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Why do we always seek a perfect life?

People always asked me; what is the ideal world you want to live in?

I always got confused about this question. I am living in an ideal world, and if I have to re- live it once again, I will still choose Lina’s character. I think God gave my spirit exactly what it needed at this time and space.

Darkness exists. Whether you like it or not. There is no such thing as a perfect life where unicorns Jump around. Yes, Maybe there are sheep’s jumping around, but I have never seen a unicorn before!

What am I trying to say here, is that we live in a world that contains darkness. It has a night that is dark. A space that is dark. And your thoughts can be so dark too. Some souls get dark with time, and we always refuse to speak about darkness or prepare the world for this visitor that we don’t like.

When your life is going against your force, you will find any external factor to make you forget or make you happy for a moment, like; drug addiction, alcohol and much more.

We don’t know how to deal with the dark side or life as dark unit itself.

Nobody ever taught us in school about darkness. Nobody ever prepared us to deal with nightmares.

Well the good part of the story, is you can always replace darkness with light, or let it pass through you without affecting you. And release it back to the universe where it belongs without harming you.

Darkness exists in every person, and light exists in every person too. It contains dark emotions like; your intentions, your anger, hate, jealousy and much more.

You cannot really see people’s intentions, but you can always feel it. Trust your unconscious feeling because it can travel through space and time and see through humans. Your eyes are limited, and they can’t see much. Use your feelings for clarity.

Life reward humans based on their intentions. You don’t really have to tell me what you think, in order to believe if you are a good person or not. You are the only one who knows your intentions and you are the only one who can replace it with good intentions.

There are always ways to replace darkness:

1. Watch your thoughts, is it telling you some bad stories about some people? Did you start to believe the stories in your head?

2. Watch how you feel around these thoughts? Do you feel consumed or tired?

3. Is there something you need to accept that you have been avoiding for a long time?

4. Do you truly love yourself? Or you always criticize yourself?

You cannot get rid of darkness without accepting it at the beginning. Yes, you need to welcome it, then let it go and it will leave you alone, at least for a while.

I had many nightmares in my life, and I was always afraid to go to bed, because I knew I will be facing a new nightmare tonight.

I forced myself not to sleep, but then one day I had enough, and talked to myself and said; Lina, do you want to face it, or keep running away from it? Face it Now. Accept it. Find a way to deal with it, because no one in this universe will help you from this but yourself.

I will not tell you in this article the secret recipe into getting rid of your nightmares, but maybe in other articles for sure ;)

Since that day I have been sleeping in peace and appreciating every dream that I have.

Every once in a while, when I get a nightmare visiting me, I face it and never try to run away from it.

You see, not everything is written in books and internet about life fully.

Everyone writes his/her own book based on their experiences in life, their values and their backgrounds. "You have to learn to see your life as a classroom" as Maya angelou once said.

Learn from your own experiences and accept anything that comes your way with pure LOVE, even darkness itself.

Lina Khalifeh


The meaning of that is not trying to use every single hour of the day to be productive, Or to look busy in front of people's eyes, or even to try to get many tasks done but you end up completing non.

Don't copy what other people are doing believing it will give you success or get you to places. Focus only on your Life.

A Timeless leader works on their own pace. Takes infinite vacations, but it will look like a vacation to you, while they are doing the work that you can't see. They are there best when they take themselves out of their own environment to get clear, innovative solutions. A Timeless leader seems for so many people that they are not doing much with their lives, while the amount of work and energy that is happening inside of them has passed your time long time ago.

They will appear to you that they are wasting time.

A Timeless leader will look relaxed and not busy the way lots of people would appear. They have Lots of time and never feels tight on time. They feel they have all the time in the world to achieve what they are about to achieve next.

A Timeless Leader would focus on completing task by task, so they would have all the time to think, reflect and come up with the right, proper formula to succeed.

A Timeless leader is always ahead of you, even during their sleep they are ahead of you. They are ahead of you when you believe that if you sleep you will not complete your work. The amount of energy Timeless leaders create will never be understandable for so many human beings. They don't just work while you are not watching, they work on their own dream worlds where they get most of their answers from.

The awakening life is very limited. Focusing on only what you can achieve while you are awake, you will always be behind so many others. Getting extra hours at work will not get you places or at least get you places where people are taking the globe with their ideas and projects.

Your life is not considered only what you can achieve during the awakening life, its mastering both the sleeping life with the awakening life by doing less effort and being focused even during tough times.

So Be Timeless Leaders my Friends!

Lina Khalifeh

Founder and Motivational Speaker


I have been competing in Taekwondo for so many years after achieving the Black Belt, and every time I stepped to compete against my opponent, I felt like we are all puppets trying to test our strength and skills hurting each other to entertain the audience that came to cheer for us, or because we need to prove to the World that we are the best!!

I have won 20 Gold Medals.

Martial Arts have built my Confidence, Strength and discipline. The Traditional Powerful Teaching and Methods that the Martial Arts have are Timeless. 

One time I was getting ready for a fight and my opponent came to say Hi and I couldn’t look her in the eyes.

I told her; You can’t do this!! We are about to fight against each other now. She said; So what?! We can’t be friends? I said; You don't Understand, I can’t hurt you if I become your friend. That was the hardest fight I have ever had after that talk we had in the changing room. I couldn’t hurt her in the match. My coach kept screaming and yelling at me to hit her, but I couldn’t turn into that Monster!! I just had a connection with this girl. How can I hurt her?! I took off my helmet that day and throw it on the ground announcing that I Quit!! The audience went on complete silence. I questioned the intention behind the competitions after that. Why am I competing?! To prove what?! and to whom?! I know I am strong enough and capable of defending myself. I will NOT Hurt others anymore!! When I used to step into a fight, I saw the anger in my opponent’s eyes before we even start the fight. Filled with hate and anger. Trying to focus on winning and forgetting that we are all Humans and we should never ever hurt each other. They turn people into Monsters!!  People with their Bad systems Turn People into Monsters!! Thats Why when I created SheFighter, I wanted to teach a proper Martial Arts System where all the power and knowledge you learn from the training is used to EMPOWER yourself, spread LOVE and SERVE others.  "Be aware of fighting Monsters for you might become the Monster during the process" Lina Khalifeh   



SheFighter is the 1st Self-Defense academy/ and Program for women started in Jordan in 2012, and grew to 35 countries globally.

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